Child Support Modification Legal Expertise

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"What is Child Support Modification?"

Seeing the sureness of advancing circumstances, our firm understands the troubles connected with regulating reserves, regularly loaded with unconventional future money-related difficulties. In the event of a change of circumstances, getting the assistance of a capable and able young person having some expertise in Child Support Modification to help a change legal counselor becomes huge.

Complimentary Consultations for Child Support Modifications

Child Support Modification - Central Florida and Tampa Bay
Child Support Modification- Central Florida and Tampa Bay

Attorney Brittany Lindsay assists individuals facing changes in their living or financial situations, specifically focusing on modifying child support payments. 

Our legal expertise extends beyond child support adjustments to cover various aspects of family law, such as:

Call us at 813-618-7252 to plan a free interview and investigate your lawful choices with child support change lawyer Brittany Lindsay.

Facing Unemployment? Modify Your Child Support with Legal Aid

Sudden job loss can create a challenging situation, especially when it comes to meeting child support obligations. If your unemployment is beyond your control, you may have the option to petition the court for a modification of your child support obligation. For assistance in adjusting the amount of child support payments, contact Central Florida and Tampa Bay child support modification attorney Brittany Lindsay today at 813-618-7252

Determining the Adjusted Child Support Figure

The process of modifying a child support obligation involves calculating the revised child support amount in accordance with state guidelines. In certain situations, deviations from these guidelines may be justified. Florida law outlines specific factors that the court can take into account when modifying the child support amount, including:

  • Extraordinary medical expenses
  • Independent income of the child
  • Special needs associated with a child’s disability
  • Measure of time the child enjoys with each parent as indicated by the time-sharing timetable or nurturing plan

Initiating Child Support Changes: Who Can Request?

Both parties, even if child support was ordered in divorce, can request a change. The court might adjust due to financial changes. If you need a modification, contact attorney Brittany Lindsay in Central Florida and Tampa Bay.

Explore Your Options with a consultation

Understanding that each child support modification case is unique, call Central Florida and Tampa Bay ( like Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, Manatee, and surrounding counties), attorney Brittany Lindsay today for a complimentary consultation. Reach out to or call 813-618-7252 to set up a consultation.